>You'd have to feed it to
><zopehome>/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_HTML.py and use the String
>method, probably. It is not completely clear to me what you try to do.
>Is it indirect dtml calling - this could be difficult (your best bet
>would be to use an external method methinks). If not, why can't you
>include it like any normal DTML Method?

How are you Rik,

Yeah, I will try the method in DT_HTML.py. Well I am writing an online 
testing tool where the professor can enter some question for some numerical 
problem. They are able to refer to a couple of variables when writing the 
questions which are saved in a DB. Since I wrote my own Python Products, it 
should be no problem to implement the appropriate methods in my code.

Thanks for your help.

Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry Student
Web2k - Web Design/Development & Technical Project Management

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