On 12/17/00 3:48 AM, "Dieter Maurer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You either have to extend ZCatalog or wait some time.
> There are different people working on ZCatalog enhancements.

At DC, I'm the one working on almost all of it right now, so if people else
where are working on Zcatalog enhancements, they may want to talk to me as I
believe Zope3 will be *substantially* different.

> I have had very good response to Collector bug reports for Zope itself.
> At least in the past, bug reports and even patches for ZCatalog
> probably have been ignored, however. I hope, this has changed
> meanwhile.

Until recently, the person who best knew the Catalog was no longer working
on it actively.  I've now taken this over, and while I don't have the
bandwidth to track zope-dev constantly, I do try to find things.  I've also
fixed untold numbers of bugs that were easy to do (there are some that are
structural and will have to wait), and 2.3 will have a *substantially*
better Catalog.  


| Christopher Petrilli                                     Digital Creations
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                Where Zope comes from

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