Tim McLaughlin writes:
 > I'm building a Product in Python and seem to be having some issues with the
 > new registerClass method of Product registering.  If I build it all fine as
 > noted in Shane's recent HowTo, the product does not show up in the control
 > panel.  Then after much other chasing, I make a purposeful syntax error in
 > the code, and the Product shows up to reflect its brokenness and shows me
 > the syntax error.  Then when I try to fix the error, and do a restart, the
 > error still shows as if I had not changed the code.  I checked _many, many_
 > times, and now the code is different, but Zope seems not to recognize the
 > changed code in spite of my deletion of the pyc files.
I have seen this several times:

  For some problems during product import, Zope
  decides to keep the old state rather than show
  the error.

This is *very* confusing.

If you have a sufficiently recent Zope version
(I think, at least Zope 2.2.2), then enabling
the "stupid logging mechanism" should give
you an error indication in the log file.

You activate this logging through a parameter:


for your start script.


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