
> [Jason Spisak]
> | I am running on a big machine though.  If anyone wants those changes
> | there's really easy.  Just mail me directly, since it's a long file
> | to post.
> Hi.  I would be interested in the file :-).

Okay, here's the diff. It truely is nothing more than cutting out the two
parts that eliminate single letter words and numbers:

*** Zope-2.2.4-src/lib/python/SearchIndex/Splitter.c 
--- Zope-2.2.4-src/lib/python/SearchIndex/Splitter_Old.c 
*** 169,192 ****
      len = PyString_Size(word) - 1;
      len = PyString_Size(word);
-     /*if(len < 2)      Single-letter words are stop words!
-     {
-       Py_INCREF(Py_None);
-       return Py_None;
-     }     */
-     /*************************************************************
-       Test whether a word has any letters.                       */
      for (; --len >= 0 && ! isalpha((unsigned char)cword[len]); );
-     /*if (len < 0)
-     {
-         Py_INCREF(Py_None);
-         return Py_None;
-     }
-      * If no letters, treat it as a stop word.
-      *************************************************************/
--- 169,176 ----

> Would you also be willing to share some statistics on how many objects
> you have in how many indexes, and how much time "complex" searches
> take?  I do understand if this is not possible, but it'd be appetiated
> if it was possible. :-)
> Thanks.

Well, here's the some output of the "Status" tab in the Catalog.

Subtransactions are Disabled



Index Status

   * 48205 object are indexed in bobobase_modification_time
   * 48205 object are indexed in calendar_date
   * 48205 object are indexed in calendar_day
   * 48205 object are indexed in call_date
   * 48205 object are indexed in curators
   * 48205 object are indexed in data
   * 48205 object are indexed in id
   * 48205 object are indexed in meta_type
   * 48205 object are indexed in resume_in
   * 48205 object are indexed in status
   * 48205 object are indexed in users_calendar

The only TextIndex is the 'data' index though.  It is the one that gets

Let's see...time stats...hmmm

I put a REQUEST.set with the ZopeTime at the top of the search page and at
the bottom after the 'in' tag for the Catalog. 

Search terms are:  los and angeles and C++ and MFC and 310

Subtracting the float of the two times I get 1.85400104523  I'm not sure
what that comes out to, I think it's part of a day though because of

The server stats:

Dual Intel 400mhz Xenon w/ 1MB cache each
LVD RAID 5 7200 RPM disk array
RedHat Linux 6.1 with some kernel updates...
And the best piece of open source software I know:  Zope 2.2.4 binary
Hope that helps.

All my best,

Jason Spisak
    __ ___       ______        __
   / // (_)_____/_  __/__ ____/ /  ___  _______  __ _
  / _  / / __/ -_) / / -_) __/ _ \(_-<_/ __/ _ \/  ' \
 /_//_/_/_/  \__/_/  \__/\__/_//_/___(_)__/\___/_/_/_/

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