Well just to be completely different to everyone else, I like the new look.

The bar at the top takes up a centimeter on my 20in monitor and it doesn't
bother me in the slightest.

I think Brain is right, People have been asking for DC to give Zope a face
lift and now its got one you are all complaining about it.

Don't get me wrong the points you raised are valid but you are complaining
about 32 pixels.  Give it a week and you won't know what you were
complaining about.

Overall it gets the thumbs up from me. :)

(P.S. Why hasn't the acl_users folder got the same style of
shaded/non-shaded rows, Just a consistancy thang :)

> -----Original Message-----
> Of Brian Lloyd
> Sent: 12 January 2001 02:12
> To: Steve Alexander; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [Zope-dev] New UI for 2.3
> > I think the new UI for 2.3 is great improvement over 2.2.
> >
> > I'm already finding the sorted tables of folder contents useful, and
> > having the add new items select at the top saves time.
> >
> >
> > However, I do not like the 3-frame interface. I feel that the top frame
> > is wasted space. The Zope logo and "Logged in as username | Logout"
> > could as easily go at the bottom of the tree-view frame on the left.
> > This would leave extra screen space for doing work.
> >
> > I realize that I can make the frame smaller by dragging it with my
> > mouse. I do a lot of TTW development, and I think I might find that
> > cumbersome, so I guess I'll be hacking the top frame out of my
> > management interface :-)
> Are you guys working on 486's with 13in. monitors at 640x480 or
> something? :^)
> Seriously - Zope has been criticized for a very long time for
> being, ah, aesthetically challenged :) It is a valid criticism
> - we have been (and quite honestly, will continue to be) more
> concerned with function over form. But is it really so bad to
> make a 32 pixel-high concession to a small pittance of branding?
> I know that "branding" isn't important for those who are already
> believers, but Zope has grown enough that its reasonable to put
> some effort into "first impression factor". It doesn't help the
> community for reviews to come out that waste words on the
> visual appeal shortcomings of the UI and totally miss the
> point. A better first impression is a Good Thing.
> The top frame is also a place where we might want to put more
> "placeless" operations like logout in the future. You can only
> jam so much into the tree pane without it looking very much
> like way too much is being jammed into the tree pane :) FWIW,
> one of the things we may put there later is a way to do "browser
> preferences" via cookies to control things like default text
> area sizes. That could also have a "hide top frame" option for
> those who really can't spare the 32px. :^)
> Brian Lloyd        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Software Engineer  540.371.6909
> Digital Creations  www.digicool.com
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