Wow, it's fun to hear people talking about Catalysis!

Catalysis is an analysis and design methodology that focuses on 
components and frameworks.  It stresses being able to specify component 
interactions with invariants, pre/post conditions, and supporting graphics.

The book, "Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML" by Desmond 
D'Souza and Alan Wills is no light read, but well worth it.  Composing 
multiple frameworks together with package substitutions is really cool. ;-)

We are actually combining the analysis precision from Catalysis with the 
code focus from XP and having really good success.

John "who worked for Desmond in past life" Heintz

Johan Carlsson wrote:

>> ...
>> When you're thinking about a system, it is often helpful to think about
>> just a part of the system rather than the system as a whole. To do this, 
>> you define a limited "scope" around a particular subsystem.
>> In this case, an Actor represents the role something from outside your
>> subsystem plays when interacting with something inside your subsystem.
>> The "something" can be an object, a person, a separate computer system,
>> a corporation...
> Thanks Steve,
> You cleared up my confusion.
>>> How should I look at roles in ZPatterns?
>> This is all standard object-oriented stuff, and is not specific to ZPatterns.
>> Get the Coad book, read it, and things should get clearer :-)
> It's on my ToReadList :-)
>> Also, the Catalysis method puts an emphasis on defining interactions and 
>> collaborations between objects in terms of roles. You might want to take
>> a look at that.
> Is Catalysis method a pattern in Coads book?
> Regards,
> Johan Carlsson
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