"Phillip J. Eby" wrote:
> At 05:08 PM 4/1/01 -0700, Michael R. Bernstein wrote:
> >
> >I'm also assuming that RenderingKinds' defaultRack is set to
> >use 'ZPatterns: DataSkin' and be set to load by accessing
> >the 'id' attribute. Is this correct?
> Well, I would create a "RenderingKind" ZClass, so as to be able to give it
> methods and to be able to distribute the class as part of the framework.

Is that strictly neccessary, or can I just have a few Python
Scripts in the RenderingKind specialist? Won't those work
just as well?

BTW, I thought that with the setup I described, I should be
able to access the settings data through the web, ie:


where RenderingKinds has an index_html has a <dtml-var
maxdimension> in it. But this fails, and reports a
non-existent variable 'maxdimension'.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

Michael Bernstein.

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