Dear Zopistas,

I just met the following problem caused by a misfortunate name
clash between Python2.x and Zope:


      <dtml-var standard_html_header>
       <h2><dtml-var title_or_id></h2>
       <table cellpadding=5>
       <dtml-in propertyIds>
         <dtml-let p=sequence-item>
           <tr><th>&dtml-p;</th><td><dtml-var "_[p]"></td></tr>
       <dtml-var standard_html_footer>    

When this document is rendered, Shane's wonderful ZDebug tool reports:

      Error type: Unauthorized
      Error value: Access denied for <built-in method title of string object at 
0x8d45e50> because
      its container, 'title', has no security assertions. 
      Innermost method: /Test/wt/Target 
             Namespace Stack (innermost entry at top) 
          ID             Type
       (N/A)             mapping with keys: ['p'] 
       ?                 InstanceDict 
       ?                 DocumentTemplate.DT_InSV.sequence_variables 
       (N/A)             mapping with keys: ['propertyIds'] 
       (N/A)             mapping with keys: ['document_id', 'document_title'] 
       Target            InstanceDict 
       Target            InstanceDict 
       REQUEST           ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.HTTPRequest 

       .... problem in "_[p]".

What happens here?

  "dtml-in" pushes the property id "title" (a string) onto the namespace
  stack. It is the next-to top "InstanceDict" entry.

  Starting with Python 2.0 (maybe 1.6), string objects have
  methods, among them "title".

  When "title" is looked up in the namespace, the "title" of
  the string object is found and not the one of the DTML Document.
  This wrong "title" method gives an "Unauthorized" exception because
  string objects do not participate in Zope's security mechanism.


  Any string object on the namespace can prevent access to
  the "title" property. Propably only "dtml-in" and
  (if used wrongly) "dtml-with" are affected.

Thank you Shane for the wonderfull "ZDebug".
Without it, it would have been much more difficult to analyse
this problem.


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