Would this approach be appropriate?


> From: "Ulrich Eck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 19:33:15 +0200
> To: "ZOPE-DEV Mailingliste" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Zope-dev] Patching Zope Products .. next Question
>> can I do this with:
>> --
>> import Products.CMFCore.PortalContent
>> <<define myclass here >>
>> InitializeClass(<<myclass>>)
>> Products.CMFCore.PortalContent.PortalContent = <<myclass>>
>> --
> ok this works but there is another tricky thing now ...
> I need to patch two products: CMFCore and CMFDefault.
> first i patch CMFCore and I think this works (at least a portalfolder
> is a customizerfolder :)
> I have now 2 new Classes PortalFolder and PortalContent ..
> but 
> the CMFDefault.Document for example is still subclassed from
> CMFCore.PortalContent (the default) and therefore doesn't behave
> like a dataskin ..
> any ideas ?
> is the order in wich the modules are loaded known or changeable ??
> if this doesn't work .. I need to release the patches as diffs or tarballs
> replacing CMFDefault and Core .. not as nice as just patching them ..
> thanks
> Ulrich Eck
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