Hello Dario, 

Just noticed behaviour similar to this a couple of days ago , but
haven't had the time to file a report on it.. - We managed to narrow
it down a bit , tho' :

In our installation ; Zope silently restarted , quite quickly , and
almost unnoticeable to our editors.
This was triggered either when we passed one of the
oracle-date-objects returned by DCO2 to DateTime(), or when we
believed them to be DateTime objects and tried to run DateTime methods
on them...

I was in a production environment , so i had to fix the errors before
going to work on narrowing down the bug. Selecting your dates as
strings with TO_CHAR(datefield) in your SQL will be a safeguard
against the restarting/crashing/whatever_bad_things_might_happen , but
will give you boring strings instead of date-objects.. -ok , it is a
stopgap, but my Zope stopped restarting every 2 minutes...

Hoop we can get this fixed before the final is released..

Monday, October 01, 2001, 15:06:44, you wrote:

DLK> (I apologise in advance for the crosspost, but I think this is a valid
DLK> question on both the zope-db and zope-dev lists. If you disagree, flame
DLK> away, and I'll never do it again. oh, btw: flame in private mail, please)

DLK> Hello!

DLK> We have run into a showstopper problem here where it seems (we're not sure
DLK> yet) that there is a severe problem using dates returned from the Oracle DA
DLK> adapter. Other possible culprits include LocalFS, Transparent Folder,
DLK> Formulator and the source release of Zope 2.4.1.

DLK> The problem is that Zope either dies, core dumps and dies, or slows down to
DLK> a crawl.

DLK> We are using the Zope 2.4.1 release, with Transparent folders and LocalFS,
DLK> latest, and a sligthly modified Formulator.

DLK> There are about 2-6 people working and developing in it during all hours of
DLK> the day (24 hours).

DLK> Unfortunately nothing shows up in any of the logs, so they are of little
DLK> use; I don't even have a traceback so display. We *think* we found sometign
DLK> pointing at LocalFS in one of the coredumps, but we are lowly non-unix
DLK> programmers, and have no idea if this is accurate info or not. It could just
DLK> be un-collected garabage memory.

DLK> Is anybody noticing anything similar, or if you have any opinion on what
DLK> might be going on, please reply; we are in DS mode here (we are having a
DLK> prototype presentation during two weeks, starting tomorrow) and are feeling
DLK> a bit desperate.

DLK> Sincerely,
DLK> /dario

Geir Bækholt                   web-developer/zopatista
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             funcom oslo | webdev-team

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