Why not use the Catalog for this?

e.g. in the CMF, there's 'Topic' which does basically that.

> From: "brian.r.brinegar.1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 16:04:36 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: [Zope-dev] Product Icon
> I am currently working on a product which has the sole purpose of
> referencing other objects. One of the properties is the path to
> another Zope object. Then methods are defined like getObject(),
> getPath(). We use it as a way to manage news and events that show
> on several sites that opperate on our Zope server. It allows one
> group to add a news document in their folder and if another group
> would like that news item to show on their site they can create a
> reference to it.
> Anyway, what happens from time to time is an object is referencing
> another object when it gets deleted/renamed/moved and that breaks the
> reference. The product handles this gracefully, however I would like
> to have the icon change from our standard icon to a broken icon.
> Any hints?
> --Brian Brinegar
> ECN Web Technician
> MSEE 104 A 494-3106
> http://www.geeksoft.net/
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