Steve Alexander writes:
 > seb bacon wrote:
 > > I don't believe there is a clean way.  I've changed the source not to
 > > display its own html at all.  It's not nice, but I suppose that's the
 > > benefit of OSS. 
 > Is there a FishBowl proposal on remedying this? If not, there should be one.
 > Perhaps someone who has this itch to scratch can get the ball rolling?
First, thanks for the quick response.

Secondly, I would be willing to start this process, but my 
knowledge of Zope internals is patchy at best, so I might not
be the best person for this. Still, if no-one else wants to,
I will give it a go.

Just to clarify, I am only concerned at present with the code in
HTTPResponse that, in the case of an exception, scans for 
<!doctype html or <html, and wraps them in html if these are
not found. (Seb, does this cover the problems you experienced?)

I think there is a more general problem of making Zope
"content-neutral", but that is a proposal for another time.


Noel Duffy.

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