On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Ken Manheimer wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Andy McKay wrote:
> > So what is going on with the Collector, its been what a month now?
> See
> http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/CollectorReplacement/CurrentStatus
> for current status.
> In fact, i'm hoping to have something to test tomorrow.

I've set up the new collector on new.zope.org, so anyone with an account
there can create one and try it out.  There are a few small (probably
quick fix) but crippling bugs - most notably malfunctioning full-text
search - which i don't have time to fix before leaving for some R&R, so
it's definitely not yet ready for prime time.  I expect to get to them on
monday, and have them solved soon after - and maybe people in the know
will look at the issue collection i assembled in


and have some answers ready for me when i return...-)

If you create a tracker of your own, you can try out the workflow - i'm
pretty keen on what's possible with that kind of facility.  For the whole
picture, do a CVS checkout of the CMF and install the collector in a site
of your own - there's an INSTALL.txt in the product directory with
instructions.  Visit the portal_workflow tool in your portal, and examine
the collector_issue_workflow.  Lotsa potential.

Feel free to add reports of substantial bugs in the collector i
mention above, as long as they're not mentioned in existing issues -
which, in the absence of full text search, means scanning the existing


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