Daniel Duclos writes:
 >      I have a zope that is dumping signal 11 every 40 minutes or so. I have tried 
 > recompile python 2.1.1 with-threads without-pymalloc, recompile Zope with it, 
 > recompile ZPAtterns, recompile and instal MYSQL for Python 0.9.1, upgraded to 
 > Zope 2.4.3, all this on a Debian Linux box.
 >      Nothing changed... still restarting...
 >      Anybody, please, has any ideia on this matter?
I would enable "core" writing (if they are not already enabled),
this is done with the "ulimit/limit" shell command.

Then, the SIG 11 will create "core" files that can be analysed with
a debugger. This may help localize the problem...


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