On Friday 30 November 2001 10:45 am, Chris Withers allegedly wrote:
> Magnus Heino wrote:
> > Well, I'm not too sure about that. Bugzilla is an undocumented, hacked,
> > run-at-one-place-but-dont-try-to-move-it-beast. imho. Just like
> > sourceforge...
> And the fishbowl isn't? ;-)
> > I gave it a try a while ago, but threw it away.
> I could say the same of the fishbowl. Mozilla's use of bugzilla, however,
> still does what I need of it. The few bugs I care about send me regular
> status updates, and one day Mozilla will be in a state where I want to use
> it...
> Chris

I think we are getting in the habit as a community of letting ZC do something 
for us and then saying "this sucks" (in not so many words). Honestly I feel 
like I can't bitch, this is free stuff already.

But...I think what we should do is come up with some priorites. The Fishbowl 
is our tool for discussion of Zope directions as it were and for fleshing out 
of ideas. Obviously something is wrong with it or us or both, because quite 
frankly I find that is not as sucessful as it could be.

However, as we are all students of human nature, we can all attest to our own 
inherent deficiencies, which try as we might are hard to reform. So, since we 
*can* change the fishbowl, lets focus on that.

However, there is currently no way for me to help realistically, short of 
rolling my own separately. Since it seems that we all read e-mail, lets keep 
this thread alive and discuss here how to reform the fishbowl. Using the 
fishbowl to reform itself, well, let's just say that isn't idea with 
"success" written all over it.

I propose (as I just did on zope-web) that ZC do one more little thing for 
us. Open the web infrastructure up to a few of us. I would be willing to 
spend a few nights hashing out a "more active" fishbowl system if that's 
what's important. Lets take that first step though.

  Casey Duncan, Sr. Web Developer
  National Legal Aid and Defender Association

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