
as far as I understand the issue, both I18n solutions coud agree on a 
common set of features they need in the Zope-core. I think booth should 
formulate, what their requests are.

--On Sonntag, Dezember 02, 2001 13:13:30 -0500 Paul Everitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> As both Robert and Joachim (in another message) have noted, core i18n
> support is blocked by a single issue: there are two different approaches
> and insufficient consensus about resolving them.
> The first criteria that I have is whether someone is willing to become a
> CVS contributor and shepherd i18n in a responsible fashion, as Martijn
> Faassen has done with XML.  In this sense we suffer from an embarassment
> of riches: both Localizer and ZBabel have people willing to step up and
> provide leadership.
> Unfortunately there isn't someone with sufficient authority on the
> subject to annoint one as more right than the other.  And an arbitrary
> decision by ZC is sure to leave hard feelings.  Unfortunately this needs
> to get cleared up soon, so that an i18n team can start influencing the
> component architecture.
> I suggest that Stefane and Juan David (Localizer/Nuxeo) and Stephan,
> Andrew, and Joachim (ZBabel/iuveno) have a little chat and make a
> recommendation for a small next step.
> --Paul
> Robert Rottermann wrote:
>> Andreas,
>> sorry if I have not reacted to a questions for assistance in the realm of
>> i18n. I must have missed them.
>> I rarely go to EuroZope since this site seems badly maintained.
>> However I really would like to help with the internationalization of Zope
>> since most of what we do here a my company must be multilingual.
>> I do have considerable experience making programs "translatable" and I
>> did a multilanguage CMF (with which I never was really happy)
>> Some 6 Months ago I started to collect what is there regarding i18n and
>> Zope. I did get a sizable number of answers. However there where two
>> rather unfortunate tendencies:
>> - multiple, different and incompatible attempts from "our" side
>> - missing involvement and therefore no "shepherding" from ZC's side
>> If, as Paul assures, the second point is about to be rectified it might
>> be now the time to do a second such compilation and then start "doing"
>> it.
>> Robert
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Andreas Jung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Joachim Werner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Paul Everitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> "Robert Rottermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 2:50 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Zope-dev] Open Letter to zope-dev
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Joachim Werner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "Paul Everitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Robert Rottermann"
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 08:22
>>> Subject: Re: [Zope-dev] Open Letter to zope-dev
>>>>> The second is pretty exciting as well.  I saw a presentation in Paris
>> by
>>>>> Juan David Palomar, of Localizer fame.  (The presentation is now up at
>>>>> http://estce.act.uji.es:9673/localizer).  The presentation impressed
>> me
>>>>> on the need to get someone into the core of Zope that knows all these
>>>>> details, but also convinced me that the Zope3 effort needs to
>> anticipate
>>>>> the needs of i18n and l10n.
>>>>> ZBabel and Localizer are good starts, but as jdavid says, both should
>> be
>>>>> thought of as non-core projects that start influencing the core
>>>>> step-by-step.
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I fully agree that ZBabel and Localizer don't have to be core projects
>>> right
>>>> now. But the core must be made fit for i18n to make sure that we don't
>>> have
>>>> to patch things like the user folder implementation or the Help! button
>> in
>>>> the code. In Zopw 2.5, there still seem to be "hot spots" to fix with
>>> regard
>>>> to i18n.
>>> Of course there are hot spots. I have asked multiple times for help on
>>> the mailing
>>> lists and the Eurozope site to identify such related hot spots.
>>> Also I had expect some input of the community regarding at unicode
>>> support inside Zope. But there has been no feedback. It looks like no
>>> one needs unicode
>>> support in Zope ?! :-) Anyway, as a first step Zope 2.5 provides full
>>> unicode
>>> support for the ZCatalog. I would like to see some volunteers that could
>>> help
>>> to set up a list of requirements (the list is almost there on the
>>> Eurozope site
>>> I think) and possible solutions that could be integrated into the Zope
>> core.
>>> Referring to the "open letter to zope-dev" I could also charge the
>> community
>>> for zero feedback. But this is not the place and time for flamewars.
>> Instead
>>> we should bundle the power of ZC and the community. The opening of the
>>> CVS is a good starting point but I would like to see more people
>>> contributing.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Andreas
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Joachim Schmitz

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