Lennart Regebro wrote:

 >> Well, all the i18n developers will have a meeting early January in
 >> Europe with Jim Fulton in a 2-day brainstorming session.
 > Excellent! When and where?

Yeh, cat's almost out of the bag on this one.  Here's the plan.  Note
that all of this is tentative!

As you may have read, we have been doing some Zope3 xp "sprints"
lately.  We're pleased with the results.

In fact, we'd like to start a pattern of opening up the sprints to
outsiders.  We'd like to invite folks to Fburg for a sprint.  Though
you'll pay your own freight, we'll supply a spacious cubicle. :^) If
you're interested, contact me.

Second, Jim is hoping to go to Europe first or second week of January
to do two sprints.  The first is with a small (3 plus Jim) group to
resolve the internationalization bottleneck and get Zope3 to do i18n
and l10n.  This first group will then help Jim do a larger (maybe 8)
sprint the subsequent two days for other people in Europe.  We haven't
yet arranged for facilities.

Third, we'd like to host an open house on the Thur and Fri after
IPC10.  Besides an open house, we'd like to have perhaps a massive

Just to point out the obvious...this is a sign that we're listening on
this discussion and trying to lessen the difference between ZC and the
community.  With Zope3 we have a chance for key community people to
shepherd important pieces of the architecture.  These pieces can
include XML, i18n, cataloging, package management, workflow, etc.

At the same time, these sprints provide a working session with
face-to-face communications.  It's a high-bandwidth way to make sure
Zope3 does what the community wants.


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