>>>>> "LR" == Lennart Regebro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LR> I found seceral seemingly up to date docuemnts claiming that
  LR> both PersistentMapping and PersistentList exists and is included
  LR> with Zope.  However, I couldn't find PersistentList, so I
  LR> thought that it had been added after 2.3.3, which I am using.
  LR> So I checked the CVS. Nope, nothing there.

  LR> So whats the deal here, really?

Andrew Kuchling wrote a PersistentList for his StandaloneZODB.  I
think it would be a good idea to include in ZODB eventually, but
haven't gotten around to integrating it.  IIRC, Jim wasn't sure he
wanted it in ZODB.


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