On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 01:55:45PM -0500, Andreas Jung wrote:

> From: "Jerome Alet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > All worked fine, the locks were found.
> > 
> > Then some time later I've retried to find the locks, and both the
> > ZMI and my method returned no lock. However in cadaver the locks
> > still seemed to be there... 
> perhaps a problem with the lock timeout ? i think webdav clients
> can specify a timeout for locks.  

I don't think so since the client still saw the locks.
The Zope server however showed that they had disappeared, as
seen from the ZMI and from my method's result.

> for further investigations
> you can use the WebDAVLogger product to capture webdav related
> traffic.

Ok I'll try to do this.

thanks for the tip !


Jerome Alet

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