On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 18:38:16 +0100, Oliver Bleutgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Acquisition.ImplicitAcquirerWrapper: 42442

That class is used to glue together acquisition content chains. Being
top of the list indicates that you have been leaking an acquisition
context chain. 

That doesnt mean that the bug relates to acquisition; acquisition just
means that the leak is more severe than otherwise (because it keeps
the whole context chain around).

>OFS.DTMLMethod.DTMLMethod: 3989

42442/3989 = 10.6.
That indicates that you are leaking an acquisition chain of roughly 10

>ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.HTTPRequest: 3941
>ZServer.HTTPResponse.ZServerHTTPResponse: 3934
>ZPublisher.BaseRequest.RequestContainer: 3931
>AccessControl.DTML.TemplateDict: 3930

The numbers for those objects are all roughly 3900. These objects are
the ones referenced by that acquisition chain.

I recommend you look further down that list, until you find a number
that is much less than 3900. All of the objects above that mark are
pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that will tell you *what* is being leaked.
Thats where I would start meditating to work out *how* its being

>doesn't surely look too good, heh? ;-)

No way. Memory leaks are fun.


Toby Dickenson

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