> > anyone object to changing the text at in the top ZMI frame to "Logged in
> > as <user> on <machine>?"  Or is there a better place to put that info?
> > I find it useful when I've got several windows open to different servers.
> Would the title bar be a better place (<title></title>) ?
> Then you don't even have to dig the body of the window up :-)
> In fact, how about "<machine> - <user>", that way you should even be able to get
> the context from whatever taskbar you have, without even having to resort to
> finding the window...

In that vein, how about having the main frame with a title resembling
"<getId>: <tabname>", that's useful if you open lots of those in
their separate windows.

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 79 10  http://nuxeo.com  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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