On Mon, 13 May 2002 21:16:24 +0200
"Dieter Maurer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andre Schubert writes:
>  > i have i question on the permission-system of zope.
>  > Lets say i have a product which contains a zclass "foo" and i have created
>  > a role "foo_role" where every user belonges to this role
>  > is able to add "foo" instances. This works fine.
>  > But how do i define my permissions so, that all users which belong to
>  > "foo_role" are able to delete "foo"-instances.
>  > 
>  > I created a zope-permission "Delete Foo objects", then i mapped this permission
>  > to "Delete objects" in the zclass "foo" like the mapping from "Add Foos" to 
>"Create class instances".
>  > But this doesnt work.
> "Delete objects" is a permission of the container (containing the objects
> to be deleted) and not the objects themselves.
> You can make your own object deletion method (script) that applies
> the permission checks you want (give it a "Manager" proxy role,
> such that it is able to actually delete the objects).
> Dieter

Thanks for your help, i will try to implement such a method.


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