Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
>>>>>>"SdS" == Sidnei da Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     SdS> Well, i didnt told there was i18n support there ;)
> Oh! :)
>     SdS> Basically, Alt-TAL is a rewrite of TAL to allow one to expand
>     SdS> TAL by providing plugins. This means that if you want to
>     SdS> provide i18n for Alt-TAL you just need to write an i18n
>     SdS> plugin and register it as a handler for i18n:something.  The
>     SdS> the current TAL implementation is very obscure, and Shane
>     SdS> agrees with us that it could be highly improved with no much
>     SdS> effort.
>     SdS> At a first glance, you can see that this implementation is
>     SdS> much clear, and pluggable, and the current TAL needs too much
>     SdS> hacking to extend support for new tags, and has too much
>     SdS> dependencies on Zope right now, as someone pointed out.
> I don't know about the "not much effort" part, but in theory, this is
> something I'd support.  We talked about doing this for the Zope3 i18n
> effort, but the primary reason we didn't was due to performance
> concerns.  After talking with Fred, I came to understand that much of
> the code's current obscurity is due to optimizations to make TAL
> perform at least as fast as DTML.
> So while I'd love to have the code be cleaner and more pluggable, we
> have to decide 1) if we're willing to give up some performance to
> acheive this, and 2) if not, can you provide a design and
> implementation that will "perform adequately"?

I'll add that the current ZPT implementation is too slow
(thanks to recent DTML speedups ;).

ZPT needs to be as fast as or faster than DTML.  It would be
great if it was cleaner and more pluggable.


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