On Wednesday 25 Sep 2002 6:24 pm, Andreas Jung wrote:
> How do your patches compare to the unicode extensions
> made by Toby Dickenson for Zope 2.6?

They are built on top of my changes.

> > I did not test this very throughly, but it seems not
> > broken any thing yet.

I dont have time to explain your bugs right now, but this patch is horribly 
broken. I suggest kent sin re-reads the updated docs on Unicode/dtml 
integration. I think Chris M was integrating them with the main 
documentation, but the original documatation about the changes is still at:

Hint: you should use Unicode string objects inside your published method. Dont 
work in plain strings and rely on a meta header to tell browsers about the 
character encoding. Also, think about what character encoding the browser 
will use for form submissions, and how zope is supposed to know about it.

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