
Sorry for the corrupted mail. I just hit some button by accident and the
mail was gone ...

Here is the full text:

I just encountered a very strange bug: One of our clients had problems with
exporting and importing his stuff from his local machine to our servers.
What happened was that lines like

 <meta name="keywords" content="<dtml-var keywords>">


 <meta name="keywords" content=><dtml-var keywords>">


<img src="<dtml-var imageUrl>">


<img src=><dtml-var imageUrl>">,

which of course broke the HTML (I know that one could use the dtml entity
syntax instead, but that's not the point here).

We didn't have a clue why that would happen and suspected some
incompatibility with character sets involved (He was on Windows with Zope
2.5.1 and we had Linux and Zope 2.6.0).

But the solution was that as soon as the client had deactivated his Norton
Personal Firewall and Norton Antivirus, everything was o.k. again!

So this is NOT a Zope bug, but maybe it helps to know about the problem. The
Firewall or Antivirus software (we think it is the Firewall) seem to parse
the code (regardless whether you do a zexp or xml export) and replace
characters ...

The funny thing is that this seems to happen even if the Zope server runs




Joachim Werner

iuveno AG
Wittelsbacherstraße 23b
90475 Nürnberg

Tel. +49 (0) 911 / 988398-4
Fax +49 (0) 911 / 988398-5

WWW: http://www.iuveno.de

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