Thank you for your response. How does one determine if they have a
"reasonably-sized" ZEO cache? In our case we have about 260,000 objects in
the database with an ideal cache size of 10,000 objects. I have no idea
what our hit/miss ratio is or how to find that out. Any assistance would
be great!

Thanks again,
-Brian Brinegar
 ECN Purdue University

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> > We have diskless ZEO clients (Netboot). There is really no reason for our
> > ZEO clients to write their caches to the disk (RAM Disk). Can we turn this
> > off? To free up RAM for the other caches?
> That's a new use scenario for me.  You can't turn the ZEO cache off.
> But I think you misunderstand the purpose of the ZEO cache.  If you
> don't have a reasonably-sized ZEO cache, you lose big because you have
> to go to the server for *every* request.  The ZEO cache caches a
> different kind of data than the other caches, and it caches this data
> *only* to disk, so it's not the case that it's wasting RAM disk space
> by writing cached data to disk that's also in memory.
> --Guido van Rossum (home page:

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