I can't fathom the ZClass code.  Can somebody tell me if manage_addZClass,
manage_addZClassForm, and manage_subclassableClassNames are supposed
to be protected by the 'Add Zope Class' permission, or if the code in
ZClasses/__init__.py is pure fluf?  That permission never shows up in
any folder's security settings that I can see.  VerboseSecurity has
this to say about manage_addZClassForm:

Unauthorized: Your user account does not have the required permission.
Access to 'manage_addZClassForm' of (Product instance at 89189e0)
denied. Your user account, meh, exists at /acl_users. Access requires
one of the following roles: ['Manager'].  Your roles in this context
are ['Authenticated'].

So it doesn't look like there is a named permission associated with
those methods.  I have to wonder if thats intentional.

Jamie Heilman                   http://audible.transient.net/~jamie/
"Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass."
                                                        -Frank Zappa

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