Jeremy Hylton wrote at 2003-5-27 14:38 -0400:
 > ...
 > The problem with sharing software is that the ZEO server can load
 > arbitrary modules when it attempts to perform conflict resolution.  If
 > there is a conflict for an instance of class A.B.C, then ZEO will load
 > A.B.C and see if it has an _p_resolveConflict() method.  If the modules
 > A or B have any side-effects at import time, then those side-effects
 > will occur in the ZEO server.  I've seen this method lookup cause all of
 > CMF to get imported and try to initialize itself.  This ended up brining
 > down the ZEO server.

That sounds bad...

Products may well have classes which require conflict resolution
(see e.g. "QueueCatalog"). It would be very tedious to let
ZEO see only the classes, keep them importable for ZEO but
remove everything else.

Can we find a better solution, maybe, some kind of configuration
which lists are classes which may have conflict resolution?


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