Hi Zopistas,

I had sume trouble to get the extra sorting
controls to work for the Ordered Folders.
The Ordered Folders just appear(ed) the same
as regular folders.

After quite some code browsing, I found out:
(and there is a not on DZug as well)

The problem is, that I'm using ExternalEditor,
and this product does a "monkey patch" on
the ObjectManager: It replaces the manage_main
dtml with its own version, which has no support
for ordered folders, yet.
The reason why this patch happens is just to ad that
little edit pen next to each row in the view.

Quick solution, until the author updates his product:

copy OFS/dtml/main.dtml
  to Products/ExternalEditor/manage_main
edit that file and add this after line 170:

  <dtml-comment> This is the only different line: </dtml-comment>
  <dtml-var expr="externalEditLink_(this())">

Here the same with more context, added lines marked by "*"

* <dtml-comment> This is the only different line: </dtml-comment>
* <dtml-var expr="externalEditLink_(this())">

<dtml-with sequence-key>

Remark: I don't know a general good way how products
should cope with such problems. It would be nicer
if they didn't carry a copy of maybe outdated code,
but if they could obtain a copy during installation
time (would require some setup script), and identify
the place where to insert their ads.
But this looks hard if the patched code doesn't provide
something like a tag that tells where the place to patch

ciao - chris
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