On 2 Dec 2003 at 13:39, Jamie Heilman wrote:

> > >>> y = DateTime.DateTime(dx) y
> > DateTime('2003/12/01')
> > >>> y.strftime("%a %b. %d")
> > 'Sun Nov. 30'
> > >>> y.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S")
> > 'Sun Nov 30 23:59:38'
> Lovely.  Its always bugged me that DateTime carried all its own zone
> information, but I guess even the datetime python modules punt in this
> regard.  What I'm currious to know is how this caused problems for
> you, or your clients.  I'd like to avoid those problems myself if I
> can help it.

My legacy site has a lot of <dtml-var somedatetimeobject fmt="%a %b %d">

this writes out the wrong day, because somedatetimeobject is just like you show above.

Also, I get different results instantiating a DateTime object with a string, vs. parts 
DateTime(y,m,d,h,m,s) vs. DateTime('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')

Why can't Zope just dynamically load the tzfile data as appropriate from the system if 

Brad Clements,                [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (315)268-1000
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