Vandana Bajaj wrote:

I am a software developer in SuSE
I have installed Zope in SUSE.
I want to be able to print from a html page to a printer
with measurements as per to the html page produced.
I wish to know whther printing from a web page is possoble or not.
If yes then is it possible to print accurately upto measurements
Will it depend on the type of the printer.

This has almost nothing to do with Zope. (And I say "almost" only because Zope is a web server and this asks about HTML.)

Printing of web pages is almost entirely up to the browser. Most will try to print something that looks very much like the page you see on your screen. You can, however, define CSS styles specifically for printing, which should allow you to have some control over sizes et al. Perhaps you can look at how Plone does this.


-- "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

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