I've posted my proposal:


The current Help system in Zope 2 is sometimes jokingly referred to as 
the "hurt^H^H^H^Hhelp" system. The online API reference in the Zope Book, 
which AFAICT is extracted from the help system, contains a number of 
disparaging and disappointed comments from users. Problems include:

    * incomplete (methods and entire classes are missing)
    * lack of useful examples
    * doesn't always match the source code (e.g. ObjectManagerItem does 
      not really exist)
    * online version is hard to navigate
    * synchronizing the online BackTalk version with the help system is 
      a laborious manual process


Paul Winkler
Look! Up in the sky! It's FJUKY DANCER ECCENTRIC!
(random hero from isometric.spaceninja.com)

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