I've posted a distribution for ZConfig 2.1 on the ZConfig page:


This fixes a few bugs and improves the ability to set default values in 
schemas.  It also adds some helpful schema building blocks, including a 
general mapping type and support for Python's logging package.

This version of ZConfig requires Python 2.3.

>From the news file:

- Removed compatibility with Python 2.1 and 2.2.

- The default objects use for section values now provide a method
  getSectionAttributes(); this returns a list of all the attributes of
  the section object which store configuration-defined data (including
  information derived from the schema).

- Default information can now be included in a schema for <key
  name="+"> and <multikey name="+"> by using <default key="...">.

- More documentation has been added to discuss schema extension.

- Support for a Unicode-free Python has been fixed.

- Derived section types now inherit the datatype of the base type if
  no datatype is identified explicitly.

- Derived section types can now override the keytype instead of always
  inheriting from their base type.

- <import package='...'/> makes use of the current prefix if the
  package name begins witha dot.

- Added two standard datatypes:  dotted-name and dotted-suffix.

- Added two standard schema components: ZConfig.components.basic and


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fred at zope.com>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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