granted the svn integration has lots of coolness factors including
richer client integration, but things like zope version control
( cvs) are already production quality and not so hard to
integrate in for basic version control.


On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 14:13, Arthur Chan Chi Chuen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've read your discussion about version control, it seems a cool thing you 
> guys making good progress. Btw, can I ask is the Ape using Subversion in Zope 
> stable? how able CMF stuff? I wanna make/find a document management system 
> which can provide some kinda version control in Plone.
> Thanks
> Arthur
> On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 04:06:26 -0400, Kapil Thangavelu wrote
> > On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 18:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > G'Day,
> > > 
> > > Well, step one is done ... I now have Zope + Ape using Subversion as it's
> > > "filesystem" !!
> > >
> > 
> > cool!
> > 
> > > This is step one because, as Shawn suggested (Thanks for the pointer, 
> that's
> > > what I needed!), this simply means that Zope uses SVN purely as a
> > > filesystem.
> > >
> > 
> > > Because of subversion's nature, I want to look at 2 things beyond this 
> that
> > > traditional filesystems don't support:
> > > 
> > > - Use zope's username for SVN logging.
> > 
> > using AccessControl.getSecurityManager().getUser().getId() and 
> > setting it up as a revision prop ( or directly when creating the 
> > repo transaction) should do it.
> > 
> > > - History/Undo support: View past revisions of an object, and revert to 
> such
> > > a past revision.
> > 
> > perhaps the code for this would be helpful, (remove image for code 
> > link) 
> png
> > 
> > > - Zope Version support: SVN is fully transactional and atomic, this should
> > > allow for support of Zope versions (I think ?)
> > >
> > 
> > zope version support isn't really all that worthwhile, esp in a cmf
> > context. in general zope's version support (or zodb more 
> > particularly) is a database level feature masquerading as an 
> > application one. since objects modified in a version are in essence 
> > locked from participating in other transactions, actions like 
> > modifying content in a version in a cmf site amounts to locking the 
> > catalog from changes outside of the version, which amounts to 
> > shutting down write activities to a cmf site. otoh, integration with 
> > zope's transaction manager would be a good thing, although its 
> > problematic to integrate between svn and zope txn models, more on 
> > that in a moment.
> > 
> > > In the longer term, there's great opportunity for:
> > > 
> > > - "Built-in" conflict management and resolution: No more need for a
> > > "SafetyBelt" type approach.  Right now I haven't looked at this at all.  I
> > > plan to implement smart merging where possible (It might work already
> > > actually, I just need to test it).  True conflicts (Where a merge can't be
> > > accomplished withouth user interaction) would raise some sort of conflict
> > > error.
> > >
> > 
> > i don't know that conflict management is really useful in this context.
> > svn like zope relies on optimistic concurrency control, and currently
> > doesn't support dav locking (which zope does). ie, it will just 
> > throw an error if the content has been changed since the transaction 
> > began. the 'normal' concurrency control of svn is better but 
> > dependent on using the working copy (wc) layer, which is additional 
> > programming and storage overhead. so at the layer of the svn client 
> > this is already done and working and good, but integrating this 
> > functionality into zope is a bit harder without wc overhard.
> > 
> > this also makes the transaction integration becomes harder because both
> > zope and svn are using what amounts to optimistic concurrency control
> > which makes it impossible afaics, to get real txn integration, ie in
> > zope's two phase commit strategy, the last chance for a participant 
> > to safely abort is tpc_vote, but there is no real way of knowing if 
> > the svn txn will suceed or not until its tried. if it is tried at 
> > this stage and succeeds then there is the possibility of a latter 
> > txn participant failing the tpc_vote and the txn being aborted, and 
> > if waits till tpc_finish (last part of two phase commit) and the svn 
> > txn fails it can hose the composite txn integrity.
> > 
> > once svn supports dav locks, doing txn integration via resource locking
> > as part of tpc_vote (or earlier) would be possible, till then.. i 
> > dunno, i can't see a way around this for real txn integration.
> > 
> > i'm also curious how you dealt with svn transactions as part of the ape
> > integration work to date.
> > 
> > > - Editing Zope content objects through interaction with the svn 
> repository.
> > > I can checkout the repository, edit some objects, and chek them back in,
> > > never interacting with Zope directly ... I've already tried this !  Works
> > > great for text based content types such as PageTemplates or DTML Documents
> > > and so on ... I even did it with a JPG, though because the properties hold
> > > width and height, you get some weird looking pictures :) The concept is
> > > valid though.  There may someday be a way to leverage this functionality
> > > better with a purpose built client of some sort.
> > 
> > to me this is one of the fundamental benefits of using svn, giving users
> > the ability to use interfaces like tortoisesvn (win shell extensions)
> >  or mac finder extensions to interact directly with content.
> > 
> > > 
> > > - Leveraging SVN's property management.  Content in SVN has properties, 
> much
> > > like Zope does.  I haven't looked at it yet, but I've 
> noticed ".properties"
> > > file appearing ... I'm guessing those are the Zope properties, which would
> > > be better handled by subversion's property mechanism.  And properties are
> > > versioned too !
> > 
> > definitely!
> > 
> > > 
> > > In the realm of the wishful thinking, there's even more:
> > > 
> > > Right now, HEAD (Latest/youngest revision) is always used and worked with.
> > > The really powerful feature I want to eventually get to is publsihing
> > > something of a given revision, while editing another.  One potential
> > > paradigm for distiguishing between the two modes of operation could be to
> > > use anonymous vs. authenticated.  This is not useful to everyone, but can 
> be
> > > in certain circumstances, most notably where authenticated =
> > > authors/developpers and anonymous = normal users.  This however requires 
> > > interfaces, and in my case CMF ones as well ... This would be global 
> though
> > > ... Eventually it'd be nice to have per object control of this stuff.  
> Andy
> > > McKay says it can't be done, anybody care to contradict him ? :P I image 
> I'd
> > > have to monkey pathc something DEEP in the Zope code base, but I find the
> > > mix-in class that's the commonn denominator ... why not ?
> > >
> > 
> > to me this seems a separate point then svn usage at all, its really
> > about content view paradigms for revision workflow. the two predominant
> > ones are using staging to deploy different sites representing different
> > parts of the publication cycle/wf, and the other which afaik, is only
> > widely used by silva is view multiplexing where the view of a 
> > content is responsible for retrieving the proper version to render a 
> > display for, although afaicr silva support for such is initimately 
> > tied to its workflow and versioning paradigm.
> > 
> > > Anyways, I'm just rambling by now ... Comments, thoughts and constructive
> > > criticism welcome !
> > 
> > i've done some thinking and work with integration of svn as content 
> > in zope as well, though using a different software stack than ape. some
> > notes/ideas culled from a dev diary i kept while working on it that
> > might be useful.
> > 
> > - using svn hook scripts for event notification back into zope (content
> > reindex), although it should be careful about modifying the content
> > otherwise some client which just committed might be put out of date.
> > 
> > - transform layers (using portal transforms) with a private content type
> > registry... although integrating at the ape layer this might not be 
> > as useful.
> > 
> > cheers,
> > 
> > -kapil
> > 
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > J.F.
> > > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > Behalf Of Shane Hathaway
> > > Sent: April 8, 2004 11:20 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [Zope-dev] Using a truely revision based storage for Zope ?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > I've started looking at the ZODB and APE packages to try and get some
> > > > understanding of how the whole storage interaction works, but it'll take
> > > me
> > > > some time to figure it all out ... So I thought I'd get feedback on the
> > > idea
> > > > first ...
> > > 
> > > Sounds great!  If I were you, I would start by replacing 
> > > Ape/lib/apelib/fs/ with something that uses the Subversion 
> > > module.  It's a very simple module and you should be able to get pretty 
> > > far that way.
> > > 
> > > Shane
> > 
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