Well, Maik has more than a bad day. In fact, he is rather right about the points he raises!

I have been developing for Zope for about half a year now and it took considerable effort to get anything going. I have experience with filesystem-based Zope 2 products, Plone and Archteypes and a bit of Zope 3. While Z3 looks promising it is not likely to just take over Z2. It is too much different. The biggest problem, however is the lack of (any useful) documentation and sample code. Without the help of the mailing lists you cannot get far with Zope.

With respect to CMS, Plone archetypes are too simplistic for complex data/document types and customisation takes too much effort.

Do not get me wrong! I decided to use Zope because it fits my bill and I am willing to invest more time in Python/Zope/Plone, because I like it a lot (*). But be aware of J2EE/.Net, especially after the Sun/M$ agreement. I have been a Java developer for years and I know that there are a lot of (commercial) parties to develop whatever anyone needs, if you pay them. The same must be true of .Net.

A good IDE for Python/Zope with support for application patterns, UML, etc. would be a good thing. Real application development is a serious business and good tools are essential, just like deadlines and milestones for new releases and up-to-date documentation. I am currently using Eclipse with PyDev, but it has a long way to go until it offers the wealth of support that Eclipse offers for Java. Boa Constructor is a good try, too.

This is meant to encourage everybody, I am an optimist ;-) Beware of the pragmatic commercial developers.

(*) fyi http://zope.org/Members/drapmeyer/spyse

Chris Withers wrote:

Martin Kretschmar wrote:

Maik Jablonski of the german speaking Zope Users Group
DZUG issued a pretty bleak outlook for the future of
Zope. What are your oppinions?

Maik's having a bad day, he'll get over it ;-)


-- Dr. Andre P. Meyer http://home.hccnet.nl/a.meyer/ TNO FEL Command & Control and Simulation, http://www.fel.tno.nl/div2/ Delft Cooperation on Intelligent Systems, http://www.decis.nl/

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