These definitions are how I've understood them since the inception of
the collector.

What I think Chris wants to do is to have a state that means "pending
rejection".  He has defined "deferred" to mean this.  I would prefer an
explicit "pending rejection" state, FWIW.

- C

On Fri, 2004-07-30 at 11:50, Ken Manheimer wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Jul 2004, Chris Withers wrote:
> > Apologies for the cross-posting, but I think this is relevent to all 
> > these lists.
> I think this is a valuable discussion.  I don't think cross-posted 
> discussions work, though, so i'm replying in the various groups (except 
> zope-collector-monitor, which is only meant for collector-originating 
> submissions) with a followup to zope-coders.
> > I've summarised the meaning of the various collector states here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Please let me know if you disagre with any of that, although I'm pretty 
> > sure they're right and will argue with anyone who thinks otherwise ;-)
> My intent for the states is different from what you suggested, in some
> cases significantly.  It may be that the practice is more like you
> describe and makes more sense, i dunno, but here's what i intended:
>   Pending: Issues that have not yet been settled or assigned to some
>            supporter, and warrant attention.
>            Your description, "issues that haven't been considered", 
>            assumes that issues are always assigned or settled when they
>            are examined, while i think some issues can remain in the 
>            pending state awaiting resource availability.
>   Accepted: Issues that some supporter(s) has responsibility for resolving
>             it, and it is not yet resolved.
>             Your description says that some supporter has assessed the 
>             issue as warranting repair, and later says that the the issue 
>             has an assigned supporter.  I think it's a lot clearer to
>             directly say that an accepted issue has a supporter 
>             responsible for resolving it.
>   Rejected: Issues that are settled as being somehow invalid or outside 
>             the scope of the system the collector serves.
>   Resolved: Issues that are settled as having been solved.
>   Deferred: Issues that are not assigned or settled but warrant revisiting
>             at some later occasion.  This enables, for instance, putting
>             an issue aside until more information is collected.
>   Wontfix: Issues that are settled as ones that won't be fixed.  These
>            issues are within the scope of the collector, but would
>            require more effort than they're worth.  (Sustained lack of a 
>            champion who will take responsibility for solving the issue
>            is one sign of that.)
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