Florent Guillaume wrote:

Martijn asked important question:

 > If we backport Zope 3 events, what package will they live in?
 > How will this relate to Five? What other packages does this draw in
 > (zope.interface definitely)? Etc.

If we want that to work with Five and Zope 2.7, will there be no way to use the current Zope Interface module ? Will we have to use the Zope 3 one ? Can they be used together in a compatible manner ?

I'd strongly recommend against trying to make the Zope Interface module work directly with Zope 3 technology. I've tried, Zope corp tried, and it's rather painful. Five only managed to get off the ground when it was decided to use Zope 3 interfaces in parallel to Zope 2's, and basically just to ignore Zope 2's.

Five does include Tres' bridge directive that can turn a Zope 2 interface into a Zope 3 interface from ZCML.


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