Krzysztof Kubacki wrote:
I have the Zope 2.7.0 instaled under Linux OS.
I want to have my website in many languages in one Plone site. So I have installed "Placeless Translation Service". I've made 2 .po files (cms_pl.po, cms_en.po) and compiled to .mo files (,
I want to change website language version based on varriable value in ZPT and this is the problem (I think).
When I do .po files with the same domain, e.g: "Domain: CMS\n" and they have different "Language-Code:" header e.g: "Language-Code: pl\n" and "Language-Code: en\n" Zope chooses language based on web browser settings :(. When I'm setting "xml:lang" and "lang" attributtes it doesen't make effect.
i suppose you need a manual lang switch on your site ...

take a look at PlacelessTranslationService/
you can set a cookie called 'pts_language'

There is second way. I can do 2 .po files with different "Domain" and choose the one depends on variable but I cant dynamicialy set "i18n:domain" attribute.
How to manage that?
Thanks in advance
Krzysztof Kubacki


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