Chris McDonough  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian Lloyd wrote:
> > A lot of time was spent talking about these (legitimate) concerns - 
> > unfortunately it will probably take a little time to distill all 
> > of that communication to the community. But let me take a shot ;)
> > 
> > There are several different groups, with different goals and 
> > concerns, who are involved here:
> > 
> >   A: Z2 developers that don't care right now about Z3
> > 
> >   B: Z2 developers that care about Z3, but can't effectively 
> >      use anything Z3 related right now because it is not practical 
> >      or possible to switch wholesale and there is no bridge to 
> >      Z3 that doesn't require throwing away existing investments 
> >      in Z2
> > 
> >   C: Z3 developers that don't care about Z2 anymore, often because 
> >      they dont have existing investments in Z2
> > 
> > There are a significant and growing number of people in group B. 
> Yup, that makes sense.  Are these assumed to also be the folks who will
> try to make sure that new Z3 releases make it in to Z2 via Five?  I
> guess what I'm driving at is that I'd hate to eventually have a very old
> version of Z3 sitting inside of Zope 2 due to insufficient bandwidth on
> the part of those developers to keep up with Z3 releases.

Those developers (I'm part of them) have every interest in keeping code
working and up to date, because their incentive in doing this bridge is
to eventually to use Zope 3 proper.

> Please correct me if I'm wrong here but I get the sense that Five is
> less of a "migration path" from Z2 to Z3 than a way to integrate Z3
> technologies (like views and adapters) into Z2 right now.  Obviously
> allowing Z2 developers to use these things will give them a some needed
> familiarity with Z3 if they decide to switch but the migration path to
> "straight Z3" will always be more or less a rewrite, no?

No. Here at Nuxeo we are writing products with Five with the express
goal of being able to port them rapidly to pure Zope 3 when we have
enough Zope 3 components to build a proper CMS. Views and adapters,
together with a few core utilities, make up 95% of what most products
need from their framework.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
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