[Michael Haubenwallner, to Andreas Jung]
>>> Must be yesterdays version then (i had just that error
>>> message, after
>>> removing an ancient pywintypes23.dll from C:\WINNT\system32).
>>> There are 2 pywintypes23.dlls now:
>>> $ZOPE_HOME\bin\PyWinTypes23.dll
>>> $ZOPE_HOME\bin\Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32\pywintypes23.dll
>>> Zope starts fine now (although there are no messages in the console
>>> window anymore).

[Tim Peters]
>> Ya, I noticed that too.  I don't know what's _intended_ here.

[Mark Hammond]
> The version in pywin32_system32 will never be used at runtime.  It is a
> side-effect of the bdist_wininst hacks I pull in a normal pywin32 install.
> On my box, even with a version in %system32%, I now only ever get the Zope
> bin version loaded - which should mean people with older versions in
> system32 will not (since yesterdays patch) have a problem either.  Note the
> careful use of 'should' <wink>'

My "that" above was ambiguous; I was actually talking about the lack
of output in the console window, and I don't know what the intent is
there.  The "extra" DLLs in pywin32_system32 didn't bother me, but
it's good to know too that they should not have <wink>.

I've seen the 2.8b2 installer work fine on 3 other boxes since then,
from Win2K to WinXP Pro, so I think this is in good shape for now. 
Thank you again for the help, Mark!
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