On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 13:00 -0400, Tim Peters wrote:
> [Tres Seaver]
> > Agreed, in theory.  In practice, the usual handwave has been to construe
> > the absence of the feature as a bug (with greater or lesser justification).
> Like that's going to change <wink>.

Over the last year Tres, Andreas, Tim, Fred, Jim, Florent, Stefan H.,
Yvo, Sidnei, Christian T., Chris W., Christian T., Mark, Jens, Brian,
Tino, Paul W., Lennart, dunny, and Dieter (by proxy ;-) have all
contributed code to Zope 2 one degree or another.

Policy aside, I trust all of these people implicitly to do the right
thing with judging whether a feature should make it into a dot release
and I wouldn't complain any of them snuck a minor feature into one.  If
one of them got out of control (that Tim character is a wild-man!), I'm
sure somebody would notice and go hose them down.

If time-based releases prove not to work out, I'd hope we could revert
to that sort of common-sense defacto process.

- C

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