Lennart Regebro wrote:
On 7/15/05, Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Indeed, it does work for some people, but I've personally witnessed some
very intelligent folks spending hours on problems created by misuse of
Refresh.  Maybe this is attributable to documentation.

could be, because i have now, for several years constantly heard th
statement that it works if used correclt, but nobody can tell me what
correctly is... Hence, for me it has been useless even since it became
part of core.

I think there is documentation inside Zope, but if there isn't, here's a start.

1. If no other product depends on the product you're refreshing, and your product does not register itself with another product, you can refresh your product without setting up dependencies. Refresh was designed for this case.

2. If you want to refresh a base product like CMFCore, you have to enable refresh for CMFCore and all products that depend on it, even indirectly. Then you have to set up all dependencies manually, using the refresh forms in the control panel.

3. If you want to refresh a product that registers itself with another product, you have to set up dependencies like in step #2. When you want to refresh, you have to refresh the product that contains the registry, not your own product. Otherwise the registry will refer to instances of the old product classes.

The main symptom of an incomplete refresh is a global variable inexplicably bound to None. When Python reloads a module, it binds all global variables in the old module to None. Refresh tries to clear all references to the old module, but it can't see inter-product registries. Therefore, a global variable set to None means the refresh operation was not complete, but Refresh doesn't know it.

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