On Nov 21, 2005, at 2:10 PM, Dennis Allison wrote:

Conflicts and how they interact with the database and sessioning machinery
is my hot button right at the moment )-:  I Hope I have not
included too much information.

I ran a quick report and we see about 1000 conflicts per hour at
about 120000 hits per hour.

Is this the number of log messages that indicate a conflict error occurred (e.g. "x conflict errors since DATE" messages in the event log) or the number of conflict errors that are retried more than three times and thus make it "out" to the app user? I'm guessing the former.

  These are order of magnitude numbers and are
highly variable. The 1% number is way bigger than I am comfortable with although I have no basis to scale my expectations. I'd be much happier were
it a couple of orders of magnitude smaller.

I would be too. It's considerably difficult when ZODB is used as the sessioning backend. A lot of effort has been put in to reducing the potential for conflicts already. It could of course be better if more time was put in, but there hasn't been any reason (besides a sense of accomplishment and contribution to the greater good, anyway ;-) to put in that effort since the last time this machinery was overhauled.

That said, if no conflict errors actually bubble up to the user using the application, the penalty is "just" app performance and "knowledge expense" (e.g. you can't use a nontransactional mailhost, you can't use a nontransactional database table, etc). You've already paid for the latter the hard way. ;-) I can't judge the expense of the former to you but I assume that's what you're primarily worried about now.

Conflict errors are not always errors.

The real reason they're called "errors" is only because they're implemented as Python exceptions. They are implemented as exceptions because it was the easiest mechanism to use (exceptions are already built into Python).

  As I understand it, Zope retries
when a conflict occurs and usually is able to commit both sides of the
conflicting transaction.

There can be more than two sides (actually there always are... there are three.. the two conflicting in-progress connection states and the database state).

  Sometimes Zope cannot commit conflicting
transactions--and it is at that point that an error occurs.

An exception occurs, yes.

Oops, I just realized Tim responded to the rest of these points, so I won't go on.

We do have occasional instances where unresolved conflicts raise user
visible diagnostics. These are real errors. While I have not explored
the reasons why, it appears that at least some of these errors are not
logged in event.log but only displayed to the user.

To be pedantic, if you're right about conflict error tracebacks being shown to end users, it's not because they are "unresolved" (in the sense that 'application-level conflict resolution' could have prevented them), it's because a request was issued that resulted in a conflict error, which was retried, and then that retried request raised a conflict error, and then twice more. The only way to figure out what's going on here is to see the traceback. IIRC, Zope logs conflict error tracebacks at the BLATHER log level (as well as a deluge of other ancillary info).

However, even if BLATHER logging mode is not on, if no obvious error is put in the event log when a conflict error is relayed to a user, that's definitely a bug. I'd believe it in a second! ;-)

The Zope conflict exception catching code is written in such a complicated way (and without the benefit of any automated tests) that tracking that down could take an entire day which I don't have to burn ATM. So I'm afraid the status quo will prevail until someone gets so indignant about it that they either pay for it to be fixed or fix it themselves. Apologies for that. :-(

- C

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