What my point is here is that your attitude about Zope 2 is wrong: as a pure-play Zope 3 developer you *should* care about Zope 2.

Some of us have been doing quite a bit of work of bringing Zope 3 to the Zope 2 world. I believe that at least partially as a result of this, Zope 3 is getting a lot more attention from Zope 2 developers. I think that this attention is extremely valuable to the Zope 3 project. There is an awful lot of experience, skills and knowledge in the Zope 2 world that is immensely valuable to Zope 3 developers. We *don't* have a full respresentation of these extremely valuable perspectives in the Zope 3 development community right now.

If Zope 2 developers get the impression that core Zope 3 developers don't give a shit about Zope 2, they may not be so likely to actually come on board. That would be a disastrous development indeed. We really need an increased connection between the Zope 2 world and the Zope 3 world.

... and I'm one of those developers. I care, for the moment, about one thing: Plone. I want Plone to move to use more Zope 3 technology, sure, because it's clearly superior. But we're not going to re-write it from scratch, and neither, I suspect, will most large Z2 applications. So my path to Z3 is through Z2, by way of Five. Frankly, without that migration path, Z3 is nice and pretty and architecturally very cool and totally irrelevant to me. And judging from the size of the Plone community, if nothing else, there's quite a few people like me.

Martin (about to buy Phil's book, honest)


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