Roger Ineichen wrote:
> Reading the response to this mail, I guess developer
> working on existing Zope2 projects agree on this proposal.
> And developer where build projects only based on Zope3
> will not.
> As somebody how don't know Zope2 I'm -1 on this.

I could repeat here what Martijn and I wrote in response to Stephan...

I know that you, Roger, have been contributing a lot to new exciting features 
in Zope 3.
In doing so, you would never have to worry about Zope 2 because Zope 2 will only
explicitly use certain Zope 3 features. I believe you would in fact benefit 
from the Zope
2 combination because the features you write would get much better exposure to 
a large
install and development base that is *hungry* for Zope 3 technology. Also, you 
combine efforts with people who, until now, have been implementing 
framework-level stuff
in their own projects.

Bottom line: I find the risk of your having to dig through horrible Zope 2 code 
much lower
than the chance of joint efforts on Zope 3 technology. Of course, it'd be quite 
if I didn't believe that as the author of the proposal *wink*.


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