
--On 22. Dezember 2005 12:06:09 +0100 Martijn Faassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andreas Jung wrote:
Who has the knowledge and time to fix this?

I think we need to have some philosophical agreement on what is going to
be done before we figure out who has time to "fix" this. I think the
issue is a bit deeper than just a bug people want fix, even though it
presents itself that way.

Of course the issue is deeper but I have no idea how deep :-)

The requirements that zpkg tries to fulfill, primarily multiple
distributions from the same repository, have given us this situation.
Perhaps we should revisit zpkg and add the requirement that the state of
the repository should be as similar as possible to that of at least *one*
of those distributions, and see what happens to its design.

Fixing this should be part of the Zope 2.10 cycle, hopefully.

Jup, I don't consider it is blocker for 2.9.0 although it might/will cause
some trouble.

I can interpret your question another way, as a count against zpkg: zpkg
is so peculiar to Zope that even most Zope core developers don't know how
to fix this. That sucks and in my book is a very serious negative point
against zpkg. The simplicity of "repository *is* distribution" has a very
important benefit in its favor there, as that's trivial to understand.

I am not against zpkg but I have really no idea how it works, what is does for me and how it causes the particular trouble in this case..at the moment zpkg is just a magic black box with some esoteric functionality....to make it short: I need to learn what zpkg is and how it works. Until then ppl with some zpkg skills need to care about the problem.


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