Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
Chris Withers wrote:
Andreas Jung wrote:
I've never met ppl who actually used the HelpSys so that's why I am
raising the question about the value of the HelpSys. Lots of my
co-workers work with Zope on different levels (scripters, product
developers)...I've always pointed them to the Zope Book...the HelpSys
was never a topic.
I most commonly use the HurtSys for DateTime's api, and some of the
idnexing apis. That said, I also agree it should die if something
nicer comes along ;-)
I use it a lot, and like Chris, for the DateTime stuff, but also for
looking up how to manage properties, etc. It is/was a big help for me
(more so than the zope book, at least when I was learning Zope) when
learning stuff and looking up things.
One difference I perceive (YMMV) between the Zope book and the Online
help is that the online help is more of a renference than the Zope book.
I think my point is that it is an added value if there is an online help
available that does not require a live connection to the internet every
time you need to look something up.
So +1 on killing the current helpsystem and +1 on replacing it with
something nicer :-)
The online help reference for ZPT is quite good (and DTML as well), and
before I knew ZPT well I used it a lot. I still look there occasionally
for minor API things (like property managers and DateTime), though
obviously this is also at various web-based sources. DocFinderTab is
generally superior, save for those objects and technologies that are not
persistent objects, or are not described well by the API (ZPT and
DateTime, for instance.)
Also, I too use Gadfly frequently in training (and also when I was
learning Zope), and it's fantastic that it's already there and usable.
Installing MySQL or Postgres and an adapter is absurdly complicated with
multiple people with multiple operating systems. I suppose a simple
downloadable Product would be okay, but what burdens is that easing?
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