Zachery Bir wrote at 2005-12-28 14:27 -0500:
>I've got a Folder (indirection) and a DTML Method (found) in the root  
>of a Zope site. HEAD requests fail on the indirected DTML Method due  
>to OFS.ObjectManager's __getitem__ method:
>     def __getitem__(self, key):
>         import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
>         v=self._getOb(key, None)
>         if v is not None: return v
>         if hasattr(self, 'REQUEST'):
>             request=self.REQUEST
>             method=request.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET')
>             if request.maybe_webdav_client and not method in ('GET',  
>                 return NullResource(self, key, request).__of__(self)
>         raise KeyError, key
>I wasn't around during the development of the WebDAV code, so I'm  
>loathe to just jump in and start changing things, but why isn't  
>'HEAD' exempted from the NullResource as well, given that HTTP specs  
>state that HEAD *must* return the same headers that a GET would  

Looks like a bug (not only here but probably at other places as well).

Altogether, this treatment is buggy: it cannot be the responsibility
of "ObjectManager.__getitem__" to handle things only senseful during
traversal; "ObjectManager[...]" can be called long after traversal
finished and then returning a "NullResource" definitely is stupid.

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