I have very large BTreeFolder2 (CMFMember via BaseBTreeFolder in Archetypes)
- has about 260k items in _tree - objectIds() is painfully slow, as is
self._tree.keys() - I've casually observed using the meta type index to get
the object ids is many orders of magnitude faster.

Hacking objectIds() as follows (diff against trunk pasted inline) - gettting
ids off of the meta type index for all used meta types - seems to make
things much quicker.  Two questions:

Are you sure this actually works? _mt_index.keys() is supposed to provide a list of all meta_types used in the folder. To get the object ids from it, you'd need something like this:

ids = []
for d in self._mt_index.values():

The structure of _mt_index is documented in a comment:

    _mt_index = None  # OOBTree: { meta_type -> OIBTree: { id -> 1 } }

(It's strange that I chose to use an OIBTree instead of an OOTreeSet. Maybe I didn't know about the set support in the BTree module at the time.)

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