Martijn Faassen wrote:
A risk here is that if I find a bug in package X, I can't easily track it into package Y and fix it there, as package Y is an egg. The current system doesn't have this problem.

There are two issues here:

1. Debugging. Can debugging tools show you code in eggs? They should.
   If they don't they may need to be improved.  If that's not an option,
   eggs let you expand an egg into a normal directory at installation time.
   I don't think this will be a problem, although we may need to
   take some steps to assure that it isn't.

2. Updates.  We can't update packages now that we get via externals.
   If we didn't adopt eggs, I expect that we'd make greater and greater
   use of externals.  Eggs don't make update any harder than externals.


Understand though that there is nothing like a backward compatibility
promise for something that hasn't been released.

Yes, but Zope 2 included *less* than Zope 3 in the most recent release, and I'd like *all* packages that are in a Zope 3 release to be available in a Zope 2 release. I.e. Five doesn't want packages that aren't in a Zope 3 release, but not less either.

I'm surprised that it included less.  I think a more powerful
packaging architecture will make it easeir to include what we want.
Deciding what we want is another issue.


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